Tuesday, May 26, 2020
University of Texas Admission Essay Samples
University of Texas Admission Essay SamplesThe University of Texas at Austin is one of the most diverse and highly acclaimed public universities in the country. This is true because it boasts the most comprehensive diversity of learning and academic opportunities for its students, with over five hundred departments and more than fifteen thousand undergraduate students. However, students looking to get admitted to the university have a lot of homework to do if they want to have a chance of getting into the school. The first thing they should look for is the university of Texas admission essay samples.For many students, it can be a tricky task to come up with their very own college essays. After all, colleges will not accept essays that are identical to another school's. It is important that you keep in mind the style and emphasis that is needed to get a better chance of getting admitted. For example, some colleges require you to write about the differences between yourself and your po tential classmates. They may ask you to explain why your academic background is better than theirs, or why you're a better candidate for a certain career track.Thankfully, there are university of Texas admission essay samples to help students craft their own admission essays. These samples provide students with tools that they can use to help them make a persuasive case for themselves and their ability to succeed in college. At the same time, they also provide students with the time and freedom to compose their own admission essays.One of the things that college admissions officers will consider when they are reviewing admissions essays is the writing style of the student. In addition to being able to write in an engaging way, a student also needs to be able to present a clear sense of who they are. In fact, colleges will usually require a student to demonstrate that they are able to articulate their talents in a concrete manner. This is important because they can use the essays to help them weed out those students who are less able to handle the rigors of college life. There are university of Texas admission essay samples that are made specifically for students interested in writing. These specific essay samples are written by professors from universities across the country. Many are also taken from online colleges and universities. Regardless of whether you're applying to a traditional college or online college, you should definitely find a sample from a reputable school to get you started. Once you've found a sample that you like, it will serve as a guide for your own essay writing.To write an admissions essay for a program at a school, you will need to complete an entire course in order to achieve your degree. While the college admissions committee will still look at your background and personal qualities, they will also review your resume, portfolio, and essays. After all, these essays are how they will be able to determine whether or not you are the righ t fit for the college. This means that they want to read objectively through your admissions essay samples to help them decide whether or not they will be accepting your application. As such, it is crucial that you use the exact same set of essay examples that you would use in any other essay writing.If you have ever considered going to college, then you know that the selection process can be difficult and lengthy. The university of Texas admission essay samples help students make sure that they can come up with an effective piece of writing that will show just how well they can meet the expectations of the admissions committee. This will give them a better chance of getting into the school.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Thomas Sawyer Character of the Mark Twain The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 504 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/08/15 Category Literature Essay Level High school Topics: Mark Twain Essay Tom Sawyer Essay Did you like this example? Imagine banning a book and disregarding its significance based on the softness of present day society. Well, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was banned because throughout the book, derogatory terms were directed at black people. The language used in writing reflects the culture of its time. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Thomas Sawyer Character of the Mark Twain The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" essay for you Create order Books should not be banned because offensive language is used, especially if it was the intent of the author. Mark Twain quoted in The Wit and the Wisdom of Mark Twain The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter. tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning. Language is now a sensitive matter certain people. The banning of books limit us from different perspectives of the past, and the culture of that time. Indeed, many would agree that there are many uses of racial slurs throughout the book. Additionally, these words are taboo in society today and would be described as discrimination. Studies have been done on discrimination and its effects psychologically. For example, Brown states greater rates of discrimination are associated with lower self-esteem and life satisfaction; a greater likelihood of hopelessness, depression, and depressive symptoms; greater anxiety; and more delinquency and aggression (8). Additionally, everybody reacts differently in response to discrimination. Victims of discrimination may believe that people are targeting or working against them. In some cases, this may be true. As stated by Brown, children who are discriminated by peers, are more likely to exhibit racial mistrust (1). Furthermore, Brown states that children who are discriminated in school, perform worse academically, are prone to dropping out, and motivation plummets (10). To summarize, discriminatio n tends to have many negative psychological effects on victims. Books should not be project to this same judgment. People have the choice to read the book or not to, the insults are not forced upon the individual. The choice to read this book requires maturity, and should not be enforced in a school curriculum. Although many believe racial slurs should be censored from the public, these books are relics of previous generations and should be used to portray the environment of that era. The language used in the past reflects the social norms of that time. As stated by Shodhganga, language is social by nature, and develops with society (2). One example is the word YOLO. YOLO is an acronym meaning You Only Live Once. This word was popularized during the twenty-first century by the rapper Drake. This word portrays societys focus around pop culture during this time. Language should be used as a tool that conveys traditions and values related to a group identity (Sirbu). Additionally, Sirbu comments as a tool of communication among the members of a society, language is influenced by the very society where it functions . Furthermore, unrestricted words allow the writer to be more descriptive in his/her writing to portray different messages to the audience (Shodhganga 7). Based on these claims, language reflects society and because of the need to be more descriptive, we may further understand the life before us.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
College Athletes Ready For a Career - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 699 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/05/28 Category Career Essay Level High school Tags: Should College Athletes Be Paid Essay Did you like this example? Los Angeles Lakers point guard Lonzo Ball recently said in an interview that college athletes should be paid. Everybody knows everybodys getting paid, Ball said. Thats just how it is. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "College Athletes Ready For a Career" essay for you Create order Everybodys getting paid anyway, you might as well make it legal. Thats how I feel.(Boone) This is a common opinion that athletes have about the subject. College athletes should not be paid. Many college athletes are on a paid scholarship anyways and get the opportunity to go to school for free. College athletes should just be appreciative for the chance they have. If a player is skilled enough to be paid to play in college, then they should have no problem playing professional sports after college. By no means is it easy to be a college student-athlete. Having to focus on classes, attend film sessions, practice 17-20 hours a week, games towards the end of the week, workout sessions, etc. College athletes have a lot on their plate with sports and school and are sometimes forced to miss class. These athletes work hard and sacrifice their freetime for no pay at all, but that is just how it should be. When you choose to become a college athlete, you are conscious of your decision and aware of what it takes. As difficult a job these athletes have, they should still not receive pay to play sports at a college level. College is a place where students go to further their education so they can get some kind of successful career they are interested in. The second college-student athletes begin to receive pay, they will see college as a place where they can go to make money, rather than a place to get them ready for a career. As one begins to consider incorporating revenue for college players, the same important questions arise. How would you determine who gets payed? How do you decide how much you would pay a certain player or team? Would you pay every player on a team? A lot is to be considered. Athletes would obviously want to play for a college who gives out the largest salary, making it difficult for smaller schools to recruit athletes and easier for bigger schools. This would put colleges in competition to see who can have the higher salary. College would quickly transform from a place where you go to get a better education, to more of a competitive business like environment between other schools. When less popular colleges are shut down because they cannot provide a decent sports program, this can deny other students of getting the opportunity at a higher education, which would not be fair. Sports at the collegiate level are still extracurricular activities and should be the second priority under e ducation. If the NCAA decided to pay college athletes then they would simply be taking away the purity of the game. Players would be more committed to making money, rather than playing a sport that he or she loves or enjoys. College sports would begin to revolve around revenue, and participants would become consumed with the thought of making money as opposed to playing in an extracurricular sport in college. Student athletes may work hard to do the things they do, but when participating in a sport, money should not be their reason for playing. A true athlete continues to play the sport he or she loves because they are passionate about the game, not because of the amount of money they can earn. Student athletes in college should not receive pay because a number of reasons. A lot may have their own opinion on the matter such as why they should be paid. Continuing to keep money out of the question for college athletes is the best idea. College should not be looked at as a place where athletes can go and get paid to play sports. Collegiate level sports should be looked at as an opportunity to play sports while getting a degree, and in some cases, a place where athletes can be recognized as above average players as well as make it to the next level as a professional where you can make a salary playing the sport you enjoy.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Film vs. Novel
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck: Film vs. Novel The film is severely different from the novel, as the director, Gary Sinise, made deliberate changes to influence the audiences feelings and reactions. He has altered and added scenes as he saw this as necessary to create the right kind of atmosphere and to keep the plot flowing. The whole story is about two men, George and Lennie. These are very two very different characters; the novel describes them as opposites. Lennie is a very large and burly while George is small and quick. In the book they wear exactly the same thing, but as the film has to rely on devices and stereotypes to pass the message across quickly, they dress Lennie in dungarees to show how different theyâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The length of the credits creates tension. The credits slowly melt into a scene on a train; the music changes also as the sound effects of the train merge into the soundtrack. Slowly the music disappears; there is a light that flashes past the wooden side of the cabin. This reminds you slightly of a prison, the light being searchlights and the wooden side the bars of a cell. Suddenly the music restarts as the image of George sitting on the train appears. It is still in black and white to keep it sombre then to emphasise the fact it bursts into colour; this makes the audience sit up and pay attention. As this happens, cymbals crash- the film has started properly, the music has returned but it has changed, it has built up, and gained more instruments. The director chose this type of music to create tension and a sorrowful atmosphere; this causes the audience to become jumpy and sad. The red dress of the girl signifies danger, it is torn quite severely but the white underwear could symbolise innocence. As she runs past the camera she is panting and crying and as she runs. These show something is wrong. In the novel they are dressed identically but in the film Lennie and George are dressed differently to show how different they are. Lennie is dressed in dungarees to show his childlikeness. The fierceness of the dogs and Lennies stumbling run makes you feel sorry for Lennie and George. George keeps looking overShow MoreRelatedCharacter Analysis Of Curleys Wife1470 Words à |à 6 Pages In the novel, Of Mice and Men, there are many characters who face different conflicts that they have to overcome, whether it is man vs. man, man vs. self, or man vs. society. One of the characters who faces both internal and external conflicts is Curleyââ¬â¢s wife. Curleyââ¬â¢s wife is known for being the ideal stereotypical woman; always wears makeup, is always wearing a dress with heels, and is described as a ââ¬Å"tart.â⬠Although Curleyââ¬â¢s wife has these qualities that may make you think shes just
Comparing The Nile, Mesopotamia, And Indus Civilizations
Comparing the Nile, Mesopotamia, and Indus Civilizations The civilizations of the Nile River valley, the Mesopotamia valley, and Indus Valley marked human progress toward fixed settlements and the development of a rich culture. These civilizations shared many characteristics that contributed to their success. What made these civilizations unique were the contributions that each one gave to the world. They contributed their own ideas and accomplishments in the areas of religion, science, and mathematics. These contributions defined each civilization and how they would be remembered, as well as, their importance to the world. These three civilizations created cultures that built societies and people for future generations. Starting around 3100 BC they began. The rule of King Menes began the Egyptian civilization by unifying the Upper and Lower Egypt into one kingdom (Duiker and Speilvogel 17). The Mesopotamian civilization located between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, began wi th the Sumerians people (Duiker and Speilvogel 9). Also, in now what is modern day India, another civilization began. It was located in the Indus River Valley with the Harappan people (Duiker and Speilvogel 38). Three early civilizations laid the foundation for what would be the progression of future civilizations, all of which would greatly influenced the world. All of these places had consecutive civilizations that eventually collapsed, even though each preceding civilization influencedShow MoreRelatedComparing The River Valley Civilizations1509 Words à |à 7 PagesComparing and Contrasting River Valley Civilizations In the following treatise, the research that will be presented will provide criteria involving similarities and differences in three attributes of life in the four primary river valley civilizations. The river valley civilizations are composed of Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, and China. While each of these civilizations is unique in their habits and traditions, they share many similar qualities. For this work to be as comprehensive asRead MoreComparing Religious And Political Authority Of Early Civilizations1352 Words à |à 6 PagesComparing Religious and Political Authority of Early Civilizations Civilization can be defined along lines of a sophisticated state of human society, whereby a high level of culture and science, as well as industry and government has been attained. This paper compares civilization in the line of authority, both in religious and political spheres among the three groups; Mesopotamia, Nile in Egypt and Indus Valley (Mahenjodaro and Harrapa) in India. Mesopotamia Political organization The name MesopotamiaRead MoreAp World History Units 1-3 Study Guide Essay4374 Words à |à 18 Pagesagriculture 5. Characteristics of complex civilizations * Specialization of labor * Trade and cultural diffusion * Written languages * Complex political order and power 6. Evidence proves that the Mesopotamians * Traded extensively with peoples as far away as Anatolia, Egypt, India 7. Major effect of Neolithic Revolution * The establishment of sedentary village communities 8. Conditions for women in Mesopotamia * Grew increasingly worse over
How Does Atticus Creates an Impact free essay sample
This was greatly influenced by their father, Atticus and the case of Tom Robinson in which Atticus was defending Tom. Atticus was a proud and dignified person in Maycomb. Everyone in Maycomb respects him and he also respects himself. When Atticus was given the case of Tom Robinson, because he always wants to do what he sees as being right, he has to take Tomââ¬â¢s case because he sees this as his duty. Although he knows this case was a lost one because of the racial society he lives in where a white personââ¬â¢s words always triumph over a black personââ¬â¢s words, he still tries his utmost best to defend Tom Robinson. Iââ¬â¢ve got to live with myselfâ⬠is how he explains his determination to Scout. If he didnââ¬â¢t defend Tom, he ââ¬Å"couldnââ¬â¢t hold up his head in town. â⬠Because his would have proved that he was as just as racial as the Maycomb folks. We will write a custom essay sample on How Does Atticus Creates an Impact or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Atticus was ââ¬Å"the deadest shot in Maycomb Countyâ⬠and he was nicknamed ââ¬Å"One-Shot Finchâ⬠but he never boasted about his talent and he certainly disapproves of Scout boasting on his behalf. Despite his many talents, Atticus was a modest man. He never looks down on others despite his achievements, career and education status. He respected people of colour. A perfect example of this was that he lets Calpurnia run his entire household. Atticus was constantly criticized and attacked by members of the community of Maycomb before and during the trial but he does not take advantage of his social standing to retaliate or rebuke them. He remains clam when he was provoked directly. When Bob Ewell spits in Atticusââ¬â¢ face and Bob Ewell said ââ¬Å"Too proud to fight? â⬠Atticus simply replied ââ¬Å"No, too old. He just wipes his face after Bob Ewell was finished swearing at him and walked off calmly. This showed that Atticus has more character than Bob Ewell. After that scenario, Atticus thought that Bob Ewell let all his anger out but this was one of Atticusââ¬â¢ few mistakes of judgement of character where this shows that he was not perfect, he was human. Atticus treats his children as intelligent individuals, where if they ask him a question, he answers in a clear matter ââ¬â of ââ¬âfact wa y and he answers his questions directly. A good example of this was where Scout does not want to go to school because she cannot read in school; he clearly explains what it actually is. ââ¬Å"Do you know what a compromise is? â⬠he asked. ââ¬Å"No, an agreement reached by mutual concessions. It works this way,â⬠he said. ââ¬Å"If youââ¬â¢ll concede the necessity of going to school, weââ¬â¢ll go on reading every night just as we always have. â⬠That compromise also shows that Atticus has good parenting skills. Atticus was a very fair person, so in instances of an argument, he listens to both sides of the story and then concludes a verdict. This was told to the reader when Scout was explaining to Uncle Jack why he wasnââ¬â¢t fair in dealing with the situation with Scout and Francis ââ¬Å"Well, in the first place you never stopped to gimme a chance to tell you my side of itââ¬âyou just lit right into me. When Jem anââ¬â¢ I fuss Atticus doesnââ¬â¢t ever just listen to Jemââ¬â¢s side of it, he hears mine tooâ⬠Atticus has never beaten his children but he firmly scolds them in certain situations. For example when he makes Jem go and read for Mrs Dubose ââ¬Å"Atticus, she wants me to read to her. Yes sir. She wants me to come every afternoon after school and Saturdays and read to her out loud for two hours. Atticus, do I have to? â⬠ââ¬Å"Certainly,â⬠said Atticus. In conclusion, we all, as readers, see that Atticus has an impact in some way on every person living in Maycomb county either directly or indirectly. Also, we see that Atticus tries his best to grow up his children in the best way possible and answer all their questions when asked instead of just delving into another topic.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Annie Leibovitz People Are Art Essay Example For Students
Annie Leibovitz: People Are Art Essay Born in Westport, Connecticut in 1949, Annie Leibovitz was one of five children born to father, Sam Leibovitz and mother, Marilyn Leibovitz. Her father was a lieutenant in the Air Force, and due to his job the family moved constantly while she was young. She began her career as a journalist for Rolling Stone Magazine in 1970. In 1971 she graduated from the San Francisco Art Institute with a Bachelors degree in Fine Arts, and two years later, she was elected chief photographer of the magazine; her work has greatly helped to shape its reputation. Later, she left Rolling Stone and began working for other companies such as Vanity Fair and Vogue , while at the same time publishing numerous books; compilations of her photographs. Her unique vision and the content of her photographs have the ability to make bold statements and striking impressions; one of the reasons her work is so popular. Throughout her career, Annie Leibovitz worked closely with her friend, Susan Sontag, a well-known writer, who died of cancer in 2004. The two were very close, and rumors exist that their relationship was romantic in nature, however the two never admitted anything related to the subject; nonetheless, Sontag greatly influenced Annie Leibovitz work. She has three children, and has two homes, one in New York City and one on Rhode Island. She began as a student at the San Francisco Art Institute with the intention of becoming a painter and working as an art teacher. However, after taking a photography class she was enthralled with the process and decided to change her perspective. Her early work is mainly in black and white, but as time progressed she found that she also enjoyed working in color although the process was foreign to her, since she had initially learned photography in black and white. She continued to produce work in both mediums, creating signature scenes with the use of each. Due to her career as a magazine photographer, Leibovitz has taken advantage of the opportunity to photograph celebrities; including political figures, musicians, athletes and actors, and has thus helped create the surreal, idealistic image that we expect from such people. For example, one of her most famous images is of John Lennon lying next to his wife, Yoko Ono, taken hours before he was killed. In 1975, she was the official concert-tour photographer for the Rolling Stones. She has also taken photographs of Johnny Cash and his family, Norah Jones, Iggy Pop, The White Stripes, and others. Her occasionally outrageous, but always appropriate placements of subjects and props contribute to the sense of personality and artistic embodiment of the individuals in her portraits. Annie Leibovitz doesnt limit her work to the rich and famous, however; she often shoots photos of average people, making them extraordinary in their unpublicized splendor and elegant simplicity. In her book Women, published in 1999; a collection of varied photographs of American females, she captures many of her subjects with shocking clarity, revealing their lifestyles to the world. Diverse in culture, ethnicity and values, these women seem to tell their story through the expressions on their faces; the poses in which Leibovitz places them elicit personal connection to ones own experiences, accurately portraying life as each of us knows it, not through the eyes of someone unfamiliar, but through the visions of the ones standing right beside us. Leibovitz has won several awards for her photographs, and in 1991 she became the first woman ever to have her work exhibited at the Smithsonian Institute in the National Portrait Gallery; only the second living photographer to do so. .u8ad596ad9808c92a84b59aea8d3a2065 , .u8ad596ad9808c92a84b59aea8d3a2065 .postImageUrl , .u8ad596ad9808c92a84b59aea8d3a2065 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8ad596ad9808c92a84b59aea8d3a2065 , .u8ad596ad9808c92a84b59aea8d3a2065:hover , .u8ad596ad9808c92a84b59aea8d3a2065:visited , .u8ad596ad9808c92a84b59aea8d3a2065:active { border:0!important; } .u8ad596ad9808c92a84b59aea8d3a2065 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8ad596ad9808c92a84b59aea8d3a2065 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8ad596ad9808c92a84b59aea8d3a2065:active , .u8ad596ad9808c92a84b59aea8d3a2065:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8ad596ad9808c92a84b59aea8d3a2065 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8ad596ad9808c92a84b59aea8d3a2065 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8ad596ad9808c92a84b59aea8d3a2065 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8ad596ad9808c92a84b59aea8d3a2065 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8ad596ad9808c92a84b59aea8d3a2065:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8ad596ad9808c92a84b59aea8d3a2065 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8ad596ad9808c92a84b59aea8d3a2065 .u8ad596ad9808c92a84b59aea8d3a2065-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8ad596ad9808c92a84b59aea8d3a2065:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Patriot EssayDuring the 1990s she founded the Annie Leibovitz Studio in New York City, New York. On a recent interview with Tim Russert on CNBC, she spoke about her new book, A Photographers Life: 1990-2005, a compilation of various pictures taken throughout her career of photography. After an inquiry about two photos taken of the burning Twin Towers in New York on 9/11, she explained that she views photography as a way to preserve history the way it is now for reference in the future. Annie Leibovitz has also had the chance to practice her advertising skills, doing photo shoots for Honda, American Express, The Gap, and other companies. As a result of her success in that field, she received the Clio Award, like an Academy Award for the advertising world, in 1987. She was made a member of the Art Directors Hall of Fame in 1999. Though working mostly in portraiture, Leibovitz used her camera effectively to shoot photos of the reality of war at Sarajevo and Rwanda. She has done a group of portraits featuring sufferers of AIDS, and has captured victims of domestic violence as well.
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